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Aksjeeierskap for Scanmatic AS

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Scanmatic AS

NavnScanmatic AS
Orgnr/født år920353908
Ant aksjer42,510

Aksjonærer i Scanmatic AS

NavnOrgnr/født årAksjeklasseAnt aksjerAndel
Volue AS 924332166 Ordinære aksjer 41,775 98.3%
Scanmatic AS 920353908 Ordinære aksjer 735 1.7%

Indirekte aksjonærer i Scanmatic AS:

NavnViaAnt aksjerAndelEgenkapital
Arendals Fossekompani ASA Volue AS 25,064 59.0% 81,373
The Northern Trust Comp, London Br Volue AS 2,943 6.9% 9,554
Volue AS Scanmatic AS 722 1.7% 2,345
Victoria India Fund AS Volue AS 462 1.1% 1,499
Mustad Industrier AS Volue AS 436 1.0% 1,414
The Bank Of New York Mellon Sa/nv Volue AS 436 1.0% 1,414
Obligasjon 2 AS Volue AS 433 1.0% 1,405
Ulfoss Invest AS Volue AS 427 1.0% 1,387
Havfonn AS Volue AS 423 1.0% 1,373
Must Invest AS Volue AS 410 1.0% 1,330
Brown Brothers Harriman & Co. Volue AS 409 1.0% 1,327
Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB Volue AS 407 1.0% 1,320
Insr ASA Volue AS 377 0.9% 1,226
The Bank Of New York Mellon Volue AS 351 0.8% 1,138
Verdipapirfondet Dnb Smb Volue AS 339 0.8% 1,099
Citibank, N.a. Volue AS 330 0.8% 1,073
Morgan Stanley & Co. Llc Volue AS 322 0.8% 1,046
The Bank Of New York Mellon Sa/nv Volue AS 294 0.7% 955
J.p. Morgan Se Volue AS 290 0.7% 943
State Street Bank And Trust Comp Volue AS 290 0.7% 943
Verdipapirfondet Danske Invest Norge Vekst Volue AS 271 0.6% 879
Clearstream Banking S.a. Volue AS 260 0.6% 844
Goldman Sachs & Co. Llc Volue AS 257 0.6% 835
Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB Volue AS 248 0.6% 806
Dnb Bank ASA Volue AS 229 0.5% 744
Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB Volue AS 213 0.5% 693
Brown Brothers Harriman & Co. Volue AS 211 0.5% 684
Citibank, N.a. Volue AS 205 0.5% 665
Centra Invest AS Volue AS 197 0.5% 641
J.p. Morgan Se Volue AS 189 0.4% 614
Bnp Paribas Volue AS 184 0.4% 596
Carnegie Investment Bank AB Volue AS 181 0.4% 588
Verdipapirfondet C Worldwide Norge Iii Volue AS 167 0.4% 541
Citibank, N.a. Volue AS 157 0.4% 508
Electron Invest AS Volue AS 156 0.4% 505
The Bank Of New York Mellon Volue AS 127 0.3% 413
Henryk Pinnow Volue AS 122 0.3% 396
Microstep Ag Volue AS 122 0.3% 396
Bnp Paribas Volue AS 113 0.3% 366
Brown Brothers Harriman & Co. Volue AS 106 0.2% 344
Kbc Bank Nv Volue AS 105 0.2% 340
Skarvatnet Holding AS Volue AS 93 0.2% 303
State Street Bank And Trust Comp Volue AS 86 0.2% 278
Citibank Europe Plc Volue AS 75 0.2% 242
Kvantia AS Volue AS 68 0.2% 219
Mp Pensjon Pk Volue AS 65 0.2% 212
Skeie Alpha Invest AS Volue AS 65 0.2% 212
Caaby AS Volue AS 63 0.1% 205
State Street Bank And Trust Comp Volue AS 63 0.1% 204
Roland Peetz Volue AS 60 0.1% 196
State Street Bank And Trust Comp Volue AS 56 0.1% 182
Bnp Paribas Arbitrage Snc Volue AS 54 0.1% 176
Avanza Bank AB Volue AS 53 0.1% 173
The Northern Trust Comp, London Br Volue AS 53 0.1% 171
Nordnet Livsforsikring AS Volue AS 53 0.1% 171
Sesiso AS Volue AS 50 0.1% 162
Verdipapirfondet C Worldwide Norge Volue AS 49 0.1% 161
Finyield AS Volue AS 49 0.1% 159
Farvatn Capital AS Volue AS 47 0.1% 152
E Mortensen AS Volue AS 41 0.1% 134
Sabinum AS Volue AS 40 0.1% 131
Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB Volue AS 40 0.1% 129
Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB Volue AS 39 0.1% 126
Frode Solem Volue AS 37 0.1% 121
Goldman Sachs International Volue AS 36 0.1% 118
Interactive Brokers Llc Volue AS 34 0.1% 111
Nordnet Bank AB Volue AS 32 0.1% 103
Ggc AS Volue AS 31 0.1% 100
The Bank Of New York Mellon Volue AS 29 0.1% 94
Verdipapirfondet Dnb Grønt Skifte Norge Volue AS 27 0.1% 88
The Bank Of New York Mellon Volue AS 26 0.1% 84
Ingeborg Gjærum AS Volue AS 25 0.1% 81
Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB Volue AS 25 0.1% 80
August Ringvold Agentur AS Volue AS 24 0.1% 78
Hsbc Continental Europe Volue AS 24 0.1% 77
Aubert Invest AS Volue AS 23 0.1% 75
Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB Volue AS 22 0.1% 73
Nordic Delta AS Volue AS 22 0.1% 73
Euroclear Bank S.a./n.v. Volue AS 22 0.1% 73
Bank Pictet & Cie (Europe) Ag Volue AS 22 0.1% 72
Namløs AS Volue AS 22 0.1% 71
Magua AS Volue AS 22 0.1% 71
Regom Invest AS Volue AS 20 0.0% 66
Svanhild Og Arne Musts Fond For Medisinsk Forskning Volue AS 19 0.0% 62
Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB Volue AS 18 0.0% 58
Hafa Invest AS Volue AS 17 0.0% 56
Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB Volue AS 17 0.0% 54
Societe Generale Volue AS 17 0.0% 54
Ingar Væge Volue AS 17 0.0% 54
Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB Volue AS 16 0.0% 53
Sverre Valvik AS Volue AS 16 0.0% 53
Thorsdahl Invest AS Volue AS 16 0.0% 51
Kjell Erik Loe Volue AS 15 0.0% 50
Espen Berglund Volue AS 15 0.0% 50
Emis AS Volue AS 15 0.0% 47
Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB Volue AS 15 0.0% 47
Signar Fiskå Volue AS 14 0.0% 44
The Bank Of New York Mellon Volue AS 13 0.0% 41
Scanmatic AS Scanmatic AS 13 0.0% 41
Henning Hansen Volue AS 12 0.0% 40

Scanmatic AS er aksjonær i

NavnAnt aksjerAndelOmsetning*Driftsresultat* Egenkapital*Ant.eiere
Scanmatic AS 735 1.7% 2,386 115 1,172 2

* Justert for eierandel

Scanmatic AS er indirekte aksjonær i

NavnAnt aksjerAndelOmsetning*Driftsresultat*Egenkapital*Ant.eiere
Scanmatic AS 13 0.0% 41 2 20 2

* Justert for eierandel

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