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Aksjeeierskap for Volue Technology AS

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Volue Technology AS

NavnVolue Technology AS
Orgnr/født år976574958
Ant aksjer19,172,933

Aksjonærer i Volue Technology AS

NavnOrgnr/født årAksjeklasseAnt aksjerAndel
Volue AS 924332166 NO0003084105 19,172,933 100.0%

Indirekte aksjonærer i Volue Technology AS:

NavnViaAnt aksjerAndelEgenkapital
Arendals Fossekompani ASA Volue AS 11,503,087 60.0% 437,963
The Northern Trust Comp, London Br Volue AS 1,350,534 7.0% 51,420
Victoria India Fund AS Volue AS 211,952 1.1% 8,070
Mustad Industrier AS Volue AS 199,899 1.0% 7,611
The Bank Of New York Mellon Sa/nv Volue AS 199,899 1.0% 7,611
Obligasjon 2 AS Volue AS 198,608 1.0% 7,562
Ulfoss Invest AS Volue AS 196,032 1.0% 7,463
Havfonn AS Volue AS 194,140 1.0% 7,392
Must Invest AS Volue AS 187,988 1.0% 7,157
Brown Brothers Harriman & Co. Volue AS 187,572 1.0% 7,141
Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB Volue AS 186,572 1.0% 7,103
Insr ASA Volue AS 173,246 0.9% 6,596
The Bank Of New York Mellon Volue AS 160,932 0.8% 6,127
Verdipapirfondet Dnb Smb Volue AS 155,387 0.8% 5,916
Citibank, N.a. Volue AS 151,621 0.8% 5,773
Morgan Stanley & Co. Llc Volue AS 147,828 0.8% 5,628
The Bank Of New York Mellon Sa/nv Volue AS 135,053 0.7% 5,142
J.p. Morgan Se Volue AS 133,266 0.7% 5,074
State Street Bank And Trust Comp Volue AS 133,266 0.7% 5,074
Verdipapirfondet Danske Invest Norge Vekst Volue AS 124,270 0.6% 4,732
Clearstream Banking S.a. Volue AS 119,318 0.6% 4,543
Goldman Sachs & Co. Llc Volue AS 117,995 0.6% 4,492
Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB Volue AS 113,963 0.6% 4,339
Dnb Bank ASA Volue AS 105,129 0.5% 4,002
Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB Volue AS 97,945 0.5% 3,729
Brown Brothers Harriman & Co. Volue AS 96,744 0.5% 3,683
Citibank, N.a. Volue AS 93,970 0.5% 3,578
Centra Invest AS Volue AS 90,621 0.5% 3,450
J.p. Morgan Se Volue AS 86,758 0.5% 3,303
Bnp Paribas Volue AS 84,220 0.4% 3,207
Carnegie Investment Bank AB Volue AS 83,158 0.4% 3,166
Verdipapirfondet C Worldwide Norge Iii Volue AS 76,490 0.4% 2,912
Citibank, N.a. Volue AS 71,885 0.4% 2,737
Electron Invest AS Volue AS 71,393 0.4% 2,718
The Bank Of New York Mellon Volue AS 58,408 0.3% 2,224
Henryk Pinnow Volue AS 55,935 0.3% 2,129
Microstep Ag Volue AS 55,935 0.3% 2,129
Bnp Paribas Volue AS 51,698 0.3% 1,968
Brown Brothers Harriman & Co. Volue AS 48,695 0.3% 1,854
Kbc Bank Nv Volue AS 48,041 0.3% 1,829
Skarvatnet Holding AS Volue AS 42,836 0.2% 1,631
State Street Bank And Trust Comp Volue AS 39,306 0.2% 1,496
Citibank Europe Plc Volue AS 34,208 0.2% 1,302
Kvantia AS Volue AS 31,016 0.2% 1,181
Mp Pensjon Pk Volue AS 29,985 0.2% 1,142
Skeie Alpha Invest AS Volue AS 29,985 0.2% 1,142
Caaby AS Volue AS 29,039 0.2% 1,106
State Street Bank And Trust Comp Volue AS 28,782 0.2% 1,096
Roland Peetz Volue AS 27,647 0.1% 1,053
State Street Bank And Trust Comp Volue AS 25,783 0.1% 982
Bnp Paribas Arbitrage Snc Volue AS 24,840 0.1% 946
Avanza Bank AB Volue AS 24,427 0.1% 930
The Northern Trust Comp, London Br Volue AS 24,235 0.1% 923
Nordnet Livsforsikring AS Volue AS 24,149 0.1% 920
Sesiso AS Volue AS 22,846 0.1% 870
Verdipapirfondet C Worldwide Norge Volue AS 22,711 0.1% 865
Finyield AS Volue AS 22,509 0.1% 857
Farvatn Capital AS Volue AS 21,523 0.1% 820
E Mortensen AS Volue AS 19,006 0.1% 723
Sabinum AS Volue AS 18,487 0.1% 704
Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB Volue AS 18,271 0.1% 696
Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB Volue AS 17,754 0.1% 676
Frode Solem Volue AS 17,134 0.1% 653
Goldman Sachs International Volue AS 16,658 0.1% 634
Interactive Brokers Llc Volue AS 15,701 0.1% 598
Nordnet Bank AB Volue AS 14,499 0.1% 552
Ggc AS Volue AS 14,186 0.1% 540
The Bank Of New York Mellon Volue AS 13,343 0.1% 508
Verdipapirfondet Dnb Grønt Skifte Norge Volue AS 12,446 0.1% 474
The Bank Of New York Mellon Volue AS 11,938 0.1% 455
Ingeborg Gjærum AS Volue AS 11,423 0.1% 435
Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB Volue AS 11,331 0.1% 431
August Ringvold Agentur AS Volue AS 10,972 0.1% 418
Hsbc Continental Europe Volue AS 10,850 0.1% 413
Aubert Invest AS Volue AS 10,680 0.1% 407
Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB Volue AS 10,317 0.1% 393
Nordic Delta AS Volue AS 10,293 0.1% 392
Euroclear Bank S.a./n.v. Volue AS 10,261 0.1% 391
Bank Pictet & Cie (Europe) Ag Volue AS 10,128 0.1% 385
Namløs AS Volue AS 10,115 0.1% 385
Magua AS Volue AS 9,995 0.1% 380
Regom Invest AS Volue AS 9,329 0.0% 356
Svanhild Og Arne Musts Fond For Medisinsk Forskning Volue AS 8,759 0.0% 334
Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB Volue AS 8,244 0.0% 314
Hafa Invest AS Volue AS 7,863 0.0% 299
Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB Volue AS 7,695 0.0% 293
Societe Generale Volue AS 7,636 0.0% 291
Ingar Væge Volue AS 7,575 0.0% 288
Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB Volue AS 7,545 0.0% 288
Sverre Valvik AS Volue AS 7,515 0.0% 286
Thorsdahl Invest AS Volue AS 7,196 0.0% 274
Kjell Erik Loe Volue AS 7,084 0.0% 269
Espen Berglund Volue AS 7,001 0.0% 266
Emis AS Volue AS 6,663 0.0% 254
Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB Volue AS 6,663 0.0% 254
Signar Fiskå Volue AS 6,290 0.0% 239
The Bank Of New York Mellon Volue AS 5,860 0.0% 223
Henning Hansen Volue AS 5,711 0.0% 218
Sth Invest AS Volue AS 5,571 0.0% 212
Fondsfinans Pensjonskasse Volue AS 5,519 0.0% 210

Volue Technology AS er aksjonær i

NavnAnt aksjerAndelOmsetning*Driftsresultat* Egenkapital*Ant.eiere
Cubit AS 105,919 4.7% 1,032 -160 2,017 23
Byneset Golfsenter AS 1 0.0% 1 0 1 607

* Justert for eierandel

Volue Technology AS er indirekte aksjonær i

NavnAnt aksjerAndelOmsetning*Driftsresultat*Egenkapital*Ant.eiere
Byneset Golfhus AS 0 0.0% 0 0 0 2
Byneset Golfsenter AS 0 0.0% 0 0 0 607

* Justert for eierandel

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