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Aksjeeierskap for Lendo Topco AS

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Lendo Topco AS

NavnLendo Topco AS
Orgnr/født år927785080
Ant aksjer99,000,000

Aksjonærer i Lendo Topco AS

NavnOrgnr/født årAksjeklasseAnt aksjerAndel
Schibsted ASA 933739384 Ordinære aksjer 99,000,000 100.0%

Indirekte aksjonærer i Lendo Topco AS:

NavnViaAnt aksjerAndelEgenkapital
Blommenholm Industrier AS Schibsted ASA 13,180,863 13.3%
Blommenholm Industrier AS Schibsted ASA 12,866,600 13.0%
Folketrygdfondet Schibsted ASA 4,495,746 4.5%
Folketrygdfondet Schibsted ASA 3,513,827 3.5%
Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB Schibsted ASA 2,686,050 2.7%
Morgan Stanley & Co. Int. Plc. Schibsted ASA 2,402,716 2.4%
Goldman Sachs & Co. Llc Schibsted ASA 1,875,235 1.9%
Goldman Sachs & Co. Llc Schibsted ASA 1,810,953 1.8%
State Street Bank And Trust Comp Schibsted ASA 1,803,300 1.8%
The Bank Of New York Mellon Schibsted ASA 1,523,756 1.5%
Merrill Lynch Prof. Clearing Corp. Schibsted ASA 1,435,251 1.4%
Schibsted ASA Schibsted ASA 1,411,114 1.4%
Nwt Media AS Schibsted ASA 1,111,180 1.1%
Nwt Media AS Schibsted ASA 1,111,180 1.1%
Jpmorgan Chase Bank, N.a., London Schibsted ASA 1,058,646 1.1%
Schibsted ASA Schibsted ASA 1,039,136 1.0%
The Bank Of New York Mellon Sa/nv Schibsted ASA 972,261 1.0%
Alecta Tjanstepension Omsesidigt Schibsted ASA 963,923 1.0%
The Bank Of New York Mellon Sa/nv Schibsted ASA 959,001 1.0%
Jpmorgan Chase Bank, N.a., London Schibsted ASA 842,082 0.9%
State Street Bank And Trust Comp Schibsted ASA 799,262 0.8%
The Bank Of New York Mellon Sa/nv Schibsted ASA 752,323 0.8%
Jpmorgan Chase Bank, N.a., London Schibsted ASA 718,550 0.7%
Citibank, N.a. Schibsted ASA 677,198 0.7%
J.p. Morgan Se Schibsted ASA 608,140 0.6%
Verdipapirfondet Danske Invest Norske Aksjer Institusjon Ii Schibsted ASA 559,362 0.6%
State Street Bank And Trust Comp Schibsted ASA 517,054 0.5%
Verdipapirfondet Klp Aksjenorge Aktiv Schibsted ASA 496,165 0.5%
Verdipapirfond Odin Norge Schibsted ASA 495,352 0.5%
State Street Bank And Trust Comp Schibsted ASA 491,900 0.5%
The Northern Trust Comp, London Br Schibsted ASA 482,931 0.5%
Verdipapirfondet Dnb Am Norske Aksjer Schibsted ASA 455,920 0.5%
Verdipapirfondet Dnb Norge Schibsted ASA 454,625 0.5%
Verdipapirfondet Klp Aksjenorge Indeks Schibsted ASA 449,161 0.5%
The Northern Trust Comp, London Br Schibsted ASA 446,449 0.5%
Verdipapirfond Odin Norge Schibsted ASA 426,890 0.4%
The Bank Of New York Mellon Schibsted ASA 426,667 0.4%
The Bank Of New York Mellon Schibsted ASA 385,448 0.4%
Verdipapirfondet Storebrand Norge Institusjon Schibsted ASA 379,546 0.4%
The Northern Trust Comp, London Br Schibsted ASA 378,081 0.4%
State Street Bank And Trust Comp Schibsted ASA 364,084 0.4%
The Northern Trust Comp, London Br Schibsted ASA 358,746 0.4%
The Bank Of New York Mellon Sa/nv Schibsted ASA 357,510 0.4%
The Bank Of New York Mellon Schibsted ASA 349,866 0.4%
J.p. Morgan Se Schibsted ASA 338,126 0.3%
Verdipapirfondet Eika Norge Schibsted ASA 335,632 0.3%
State Street Bank And Trust Comp Schibsted ASA 329,765 0.3%
The Bank Of New York Mellon Sa/nv Schibsted ASA 329,360 0.3%
The Northern Trust Comp, London Br Schibsted ASA 322,495 0.3%
State Street Bank And Trust Comp Schibsted ASA 319,225 0.3%
Citibank Europe Plc Schibsted ASA 314,872 0.3%
The Bank Of New York Mellon Schibsted ASA 313,573 0.3%
Morgan Stanley & Co. Llc Schibsted ASA 311,991 0.3%
The Northern Trust Comp, London Br Schibsted ASA 303,078 0.3%
J.p. Morgan Se Schibsted ASA 302,231 0.3%
Verdipapirfondet Storebrand Indeks - Norge Schibsted ASA 300,081 0.3%
Verdipapirfondet Eika Spar Schibsted ASA 298,983 0.3%
Verdipapirfondet Dnb Norge Indeks Schibsted ASA 293,375 0.3%
Verdipapirfondet Klp Aksjenorge Indeks Schibsted ASA 281,643 0.3%
Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB Schibsted ASA 278,652 0.3%
State Street Bank And Trust Comp Schibsted ASA 274,274 0.3%
J.p. Morgan Se Schibsted ASA 274,036 0.3%
Goldman Sachs International Schibsted ASA 272,117 0.3%
The Northern Trust Comp, London Br Schibsted ASA 263,181 0.3%
Citibank, N.a. Schibsted ASA 261,196 0.3%
Citibank, N.a. Schibsted ASA 259,482 0.3%
J.p. Morgan Se Schibsted ASA 259,393 0.3%
The Northern Trust Comp, London Br Schibsted ASA 255,042 0.3%
Verdipapirfondet Storebrand Norge Institusjon Schibsted ASA 250,810 0.3%
Verdipapirfondet Storebrand Indeks - Norge Schibsted ASA 225,698 0.2%
Verdipapirfondet Dnb Norge Indeks Schibsted ASA 220,751 0.2%
J.p. Morgan Securities Llc Schibsted ASA 218,054 0.2%
Verdipapirfondet Equinor Aksjer Norge Schibsted ASA 200,591 0.2%
Verdipapirfondet Fondsfinans Norge Schibsted ASA 199,344 0.2%
The Bank Of New York Mellon Schibsted ASA 192,075 0.2%
Verdipapirfondet Dnb Am Norske Aksjer Schibsted ASA 189,363 0.2%
The Bank Of New York Mellon Schibsted ASA 187,472 0.2%
The Northern Trust Comp, London Br Schibsted ASA 180,572 0.2%
J.p. Morgan Se Schibsted ASA 178,814 0.2%
Jpmorgan Chase Bank, N.a., London Schibsted ASA 176,871 0.2%
Hongkong And Shanghai Banking Corp Schibsted ASA 173,538 0.2%
The Northern Trust Comp, London Br Schibsted ASA 170,443 0.2%
Bnp Paribas Schibsted ASA 168,745 0.2%
Citibank, N.a. Schibsted ASA 165,863 0.2%
Kommunal Landspensjonskasse Gjensidig Forsikringsselskap Schibsted ASA 165,826 0.2%
Sole Active AS Schibsted ASA 163,625 0.2%
Verdipapirfondet Nordea Avkastning Schibsted ASA 156,082 0.2%
Northern Trust Global Services Se Schibsted ASA 153,310 0.2%
Verdipapirfondet Equinor Aksjer Norge Schibsted ASA 152,995 0.2%
Verdipapirfondet Fondsfinans Utbytte Schibsted ASA 150,044 0.2%
Morgan Stanley & Co. Llc Schibsted ASA 149,693 0.2%
Jpmorgan Chase Bank, N.a., London Schibsted ASA 148,975 0.2%
Mp Pensjon Pk Schibsted ASA 145,261 0.1%
Verdipapirfondet Alfred Berg Norge Restricted Schibsted ASA 144,899 0.1%
Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB Schibsted ASA 143,890 0.1%
Hsbc Bank Plc Schibsted ASA 137,947 0.1%
Brown Brothers Harriman & Co. Schibsted ASA 135,243 0.1%
Clearstream Banking S.a. Schibsted ASA 134,670 0.1%
Verdipapirfondet Dnb Norden Schibsted ASA 127,071 0.1%
The Bank Of New York Mellon Sa/nv Schibsted ASA 126,413 0.1%

Lendo Topco AS er aksjonær i

NavnAnt aksjerAndelOmsetning*Driftsresultat* Egenkapital*Ant.eiere
Lendo AS 100,000 100.0% 1,096,601 -76,680 787,504 1

* Justert for eierandel

Lendo Topco AS er indirekte aksjonær i

NavnAnt aksjerAndelOmsetning*Driftsresultat*Egenkapital*Ant.eiere
Ingen registrert

* Justert for eierandel

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